World’s Most Potent Source of Omega 7

Pure sea buckthorn whole berry oil

Found in the foothills of the Himalayan belt this special berry is a natural source of Omega 3, 6, 7 & 9, along with being rich in antioxidants. Our special formulation of vegan gel capsulation in concentration of seed oil makes it a great source of Omegas, Vitamin E, Carotene.

Glow Up
Nams Seabuckthorn berry seed oil is a pure source of omega 7, along with vitamin E that improves the quality of hair, skin & nails. This acts towards anti-ageing and cellular rejuvenation properties.
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Good For Heart, Gut & Liver.
The Seedoil a natural source of Omega 7, antioxidants & vitamin E acts regulates blood sugar levels, increases good cholesterol and aids distressing improving overall immunity and enhancing your quality of life.
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Seabuckthorn & Diabetes
Found in the foothills of the Himalayan belt this special berry is a natural source of Omega 3, 6, 7 & 9, along with being rich in antioxidants. Our special formulation of vegan gel capsulation in concentration of seed oil makes it a great source of Omegas, Vitamin E, Carotene.
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190+ Bioactive Nutrients

A magical combination of 190+ bio active nutrients in a single berry, Sea Buckthorn. Heaven’s Holy Fruit, the wonder berry from the Himalayas, is known as nature’s most balanced fruit. Wild harvested Sea buckthorn thrives in the harsh conditions and high altitudes of the Himalayas. the roots of sea buckthorn bushes go down 200 feet deep into the ground, in order to gather nutrition for survival in the harsh climate of the Himalayas.

Your questions answered

Common questions

How is Omega 7 Beneficial for the body?

The rare Omega-7 fatty acid is also called Palmitoleic Acid. It can be found in animal and plant sources, including macadamia nuts, cold-water fish and sea buckthorn. Sea Buckthorn contains the highest concentration of this valuable fatty acid Omega 7 in any Plant or Animal source in the world, up to 40% as compared to 17% in macadamia nuts and .06% in anchovies. Health benefits that include: – Controlling high blood sugar in Type II Diabetes – Reduce insulin resistance – Reduce cardiovascular risk – Control high cholesterol levels – Treat obesity – Boost immunity – Rejuvenates skin & anti-ageing – Complement cancer treatment – Improve eyesight or dry eyes – improves gastro-intestinal health,Treat respiratory problems such as asthma, colds, and pneumonia.

Where is Sea buckthorn naturally found?

Sea buckthorn grows at over 10,000 feet and is considered the biggest natural health secret from the Himalayas. It is acknowledged as Nature’s most potent super fruit known till date.

Does Sea buckthorn have any side effects?

Sea Buckthorn is a natural berry rich in over 190 bio-active nutrients and has no known side effects till date.

Can I take Sea Buckthorn during pregnancy ?

It is always wise to consult your health professional before taking any supplement during Pregnancy / Breast Feeding.

Can I take Sea Buckthorn during breast feeding?

It is always wise to consult your health professional before taking any supplement during Pregnancy / Breast Feeding.

Can children take sea buckthorn?

It is always wise to consult your health professional before giving any supplements to children.

Are your supplements Vegan?

Our sea buckthorn supplements are 100% vegan and free from fish oil.

What are the Gel Caps made of?
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How long will it take to show results?

The soft gels work from the “inside out” so the oils permeate the tissues from inside the body, throughout the tissues, to the outer skin. Depending on the condition, people generally find that after about 4 weeks, they see a noticeable change in their outer skin (a healthier glow, and more elasticity). This is an indication that the oils are permeating the entire body and this can keep improving for quite some time. Everyone is different and some symptoms can go or reduce, then increase again due to stress or other factors (diet, climate). If one is taking Sea Buckthorn Complete Vitality for wellbeing and tissue regeneration and has no symptoms to address, a good schedule to follow is about 2 soft gels daily for 6 months. It is also necessary though to give the body a chance to respond …. supplements are not quick fixes but dealing with any problems at the root so benefits are real and restorative.

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Experience the change in you


Sea Buckthorn, The Antioxidant Powerhouse

Discover the antioxidant prowess of Sea Buckthorn with our supplement. Rich in vitamins, flavonoids, and polyphenolic compounds, Sea Buckthorn offers holistic health benefits. Proanthocyanidins and Essential Fatty Acids boost cellular defense while reducing oxidative stress. Its polyphenols inhibit tumor growth and provide radioprotective effects. Experience the natural defense of Sea Buckthorn and embrace vitality.

Immunity Booster

Sea Buckthorn, The Health Fortifier

Combat free radicals with Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil. Backed by scientific research, it shields against over 80 diseases, from strokes to aging. With 190+ nutrients, including rare Omega 7, it bolsters immunity, preventing illnesses and accelerating recovery. Take charge of your health with Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil.

Obesity & Weight Management

Slim Down Naturally with Sea Buckthorn

Unlock your weight loss journey with Sea Buckthorn. Rich in Omega 7 fatty acids, it signals the body to halt fat storage, aiding in fat loss and long-term maintenance. Additionally, Sea Buckthorn berries offer laxative and intestine-moistening effects, promoting digestive health. Experience the natural solution for weight management, metabolic syndrome, and constipation relief with Sea Buckthorn.

Diabetes Support

Balancing Blood Sugar with Sea Buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn offers vital support for diabetes management. Its Omega 7 content enhances insulin sensitivity, normalizes lipid levels, and improves glucose uptake, reducing insulin resistance and lowering blood sugar levels. With its hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects, Sea Buckthorn is a powerful tool in preventing diabetic complications.

Beautiful Skin, Hair & Nails

Radiant Skin, Lustrous Hair & Strong Nails with Sea Buckthorn

Experience the transformative effects of Sea Buckthorn, enriched with a plethora of skin-loving nutrients. Vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, and Omega 7 combine to unveil your skin’s natural radiance. Omega 7, abundant in Sea Buckthorn, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, combating dryness, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. Its antioxidant-rich profile protects against photoaging and oxidative damage, while boosting collagen production for youthful resilience. Say goodbye to dryness, wrinkles, and skin ailments like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Sea Buckthorn restores moisture, repairs sun-damaged skin, and shields against environmental stressors. Indulge in the ultimate skin regeneration and repair with Sea Buckthorn, for a flawless complexion and vibrant appearance.

Liver Health

Revitalize your liver with Sea Buckthorn

Unlock the liver-nourishing benefits of Sea Buckthorn. Packed with quercetin, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds, Sea Buckthorn detoxifies and protects the liver. Its anti-fat liver effects, along with malic and oxalic acids, shield the liver from inflammation and infection. Experience the hepatoprotective power of Sea Buckthorn oil, rich in carotenoids and bioavailable lutein, for optimal liver health and function.

Gastrointestinal Health

Soothe your stomach with Sea Buckthorn

Experience relief from gastrointestinal discomfort with Sea Buckthorn. Its proanthocyanidins aid in peptic ulcer healing by targeting Helicobacter pylori, while also enhancing gastric mucosal hydrophobicity. Omega 7 lubricates the gastrointestinal tract, alleviating digestive issues, acidity, and gastric ulcers, providing comfort from stomach pain and burning sensations.

Eyes & Vision Health

Brighten your Vision with Sea Buckthorn

Experience enhanced eye health with Sea Buckthorn. Rich in Omega 7, it alleviates dryness, fatigue, and irritation while maintaining moisture. Packed with Vitamin-A and 39 carotenoids, Sea Buckthorn protects mucous membranes, reducing inflammation and combating eye diseases like trachoma and keratitis. Its protective effect shields against retinal degeneration and enhances retinal functions, ensuring optimal eye health.

Neuroprotective Activity

Sea Buckthorn's Neuro Shield

Unlock neuroprotection with Sea Buckthorn. Loaded with 5HTP, it boosts serotonin levels, regulating mood, sleep, and cognition. Additionally, its carotenoids enhance resilience against stress, supporting mental and physical well-being. Stay sharp and resilient with Sea Buckthorn’s neuroprotective benefits.

Cardiovascular Health

Sea Buckthorn's Cardio Armor

Nourish your heart with Sea Buckthorn’s cardiovascular support. Packed with rare Omega 7, it aids in reducing bad cholesterol and fortifying artery walls, promoting robust cardiovascular health. Additionally, its proanthocyanidins and essential fatty acids lower inflammation and enhance antioxidant defenses, combating oxidative stress. Embrace Sea Buckthorn for a fortified heart and balanced circulation.


Sea Buckthorn's Menopausal Comfort

Discover relief from menopausal discomfort with Sea Buckthorn oil. Experience significant improvements in vaginal health, alleviating dryness and discomfort. Witness enhanced skin hydration, elasticity, and diminished wrinkles for a radiant complexion. Say goodbye to dry eyes and mouth with noticeable improvements in moisture levels. Embrace Sea Buckthorn for a smoother menopausal transition.

Anti Inflammatory

Sea Buckthorn's Anti Inflammatory Benefits

Harness the soothing power of Sea Buckthorn against inflammation. Traditionally used in medicine, Sea Buckthorn oil offers potent anti-inflammatory properties. Rich in fatty acids, it inhibits reactive nitrogen and regulates pro-inflammatory proteins. Key compounds like ursolic acid and flavonoids work to reduce inflammation by suppressing cytokines. Embrace Sea Buckthorn for natural relief from inflammatory conditions.